Celebrating the Lord's Day

Following my upbringing in a charismatic covenant community, our family does "Celebrating the Lord's Day" prayers before and after the Saturday night and Sunday night meals. A sort of combination of the Liturgy of the Hours Evening I and II prayers and the Jewish Sabbath prayers, it's a tradition we retained when we drifted away from regular charismatic expression. I love the simple ritual of it, and the aura of solemnity it always gives our Sunday evening dinners.

We made our own booklets out of parchment printer paper, as you can see. To make your own, you can download a PDF of the prayers here. And here is a page that gives some additional links.

(Note: Blogger seems determined to blog these URLs for some reason. So here are the direct links:
The PDF is http://sos-nar.com/Lord's%20Day%20Materials/Celebrate.pdf
And http://sos-nar.com/lord's_day.htm is the additional resources link. Cut and paste them into your browser window if you have to!)

My daughter created our fall centerpiece out of a hollowed-out log she found in the woods while she and her father and brothers were cutting firewood for the winter. And I'd also like to show off my latest acquisition of Sunday Silver: the covered dish I found at a thrift store for about six dollars. :)


Laura said…
Your table looks inviting and so lovely! I clicked on your link 'Sunday Silver' and loved your simple meal made special by such beautiful dishes, napkins, and oil lamp...really nice touch!
Thank you for the ideas!
Rebekka said…
I tried to click on your links for the PDF but it didn't go anywhere... :-(
regina doman said…
You know, I posted and reposted these several times and Blogger kept removing them. Here they are:

The PDF is

is the additional resources link.
Kristyn Hall said…
Family table traditions last and last and make families stay close... The table is an altar and a gathering place. My aunt always says, "We are kitchen table people." It is so true. Even when my mother had a tiny kitchen and meals were served in a separate room she always had a stool or chair of some sort in the kitchen which we called "The talking chair." My sister and I would take turns in that chair, talking Mom's ear off. Above Rubies sells a Bible study manual called "The Family Meal Table" that goes over all the biblical passages about the table. WOW! Your table is lovely, but your tradition even more so. God bless you.
Anonymous said…
Mmmm, Lord's Day! I was involved with CCR in St. Paul and so was my husband so we have retained this tradition as well. While we only do it monthly now, because we always invite 2 other families (as a way to you know, spread the love as it were), we'd like to increase our own family's observance of the ritual. It is beautiful and I am so grateful for it!
I also remember feeling "home" when I went to a Lord's Day celebration at Steubenville for the first time with my future HH (Little Flowers) before knowing I would attend! Each and every prayer in the Lord's Day ritual gives me a sense of "home".

Thanks for sharing about it!

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