Clothing Organization part 6: And So It Goes...

Filling out the final categories, casual clothes, turned out to be the hardest for me, because I have a lot of casual shirts. Plus we're still in the middle of "warm fall strangeness" and it hasn't yet become cold enough for me, in Virginia, to definitively put away my tank tops (I'm wearing one now). And there is the matter of my still-expanding pregnant waistline, which makes negotiating the lower half of the wardrobe tricky. So I cheated on the 35-item system - for now. Once the cold weather goes in, I shall banish the final remnants of the summer wardrobe and hopefully will report on having 35 pieces alone in my closet!

Thanks to those of you who read and enjoyed this series: many of you raised questions I'm still pondering: including how to apply this to young children. I think I may do that soon: my toddlers have too many clothes right now. I used to have a system in place when I had two children, but I let that fall by the wayside. When I revisit the question, I promise to post about it.

In the meantime, I'd like to get back to posting about fall and the upcoming holidays!


Anonymous said…
I have enjoyed this series immensely and I am still paring down my closet with your guidelines in mind. I have way too many clothes - as do my children. This will help my laundry situation too, yes?
regina doman said…
Glad you enjoyed it! I hope it will: I have yet to apply this system to my kids' clothes (something tells me they could get by with less clothes than 35 though!).

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