Wanted: Joshua Bears

Before it gets closer to Christmas, I wanted to post this special request:

Last year for Christmas, we collected teddy bears for our Christmas tree in memory of our son Joshua who died. Joshua's family nickname was "Teddy Bear" and so we decided that for Christmas, we would decorate our tree with quality teddy bears. We gave some of them as gifts to any children who visited us during Christmas. And after Christmas, we donated them to a good cause: I gave them to a disaster-relief nurse who is taking them to expectant mothers in Africa. This year, I am looking into making a donation of the bears to our local hospital and emergency services.

So I am searching for medium or smaller-size brown or beige teddy bears (please no white or pastel or colored! These are "boy" bears :) ), either new or good-as-new (they can definitely be "played with" and "handled" but they probably shouldn't be in such bad condition that a thrift store would refuse to sell them), that we can use to decorate our tree and then pass on to a good cause after the holiday season. If you have any bears you'd like to pass on to me, you can mail them to me at:

Regina Doman - Bears for Joshua

P. O. Box 949

Front Royal, VA 22630

If you need a street address for UPS, email me at regina@reginadoman.com and I'll send you one.)

Oh, and if you know of or are involved in a good cause that could use a stash of donated teddy bears (I put fresh fabric ribbon bows on them for donating), please let me know, as I'm looking for this year's charity.


Linda said…
what a lovely memorial for your son.
Julie said…
What a beautiful idea...

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