Christmas Nativity 2007

Blessed Christmas!

I keep hoping that my next post will be a baby post, but I am now two days overdue, and the baby is not yet coming, so I might as well make a Christmas post during the Twelve Days while I wait and quilt and wait...

One cherished treasure from my growing-up years was a little porcelain Napcoware Nativity scene which I received for my confirmation. Alas, when my car was broken into during the time I lived in New York City, it was among the things that were stolen. Unlike most of the things from my trunk, though, I really missed this Nativity scene. Then several years ago, I was able to replace the set, thanks to Ebay. So every year I particularly enjoy setting it up on my dresser with different background pieces, and occaisonally showing off a new acquisition (there are approximately eight other figures that could be part of the set which I still don't have - ah, the thrill of the hunt).

This year during my pregnancy I was fortunate to receive a "blessing party" from my friends in Classical Conversations, hosted by my friend Doran whose ministry, Blessing God's Way, ministers to women with special ceremonies during the onset of maidenhood, pregnancy, and menopause. As part of my "shower", Doran presented me with a tray of sand set with candles, one for each friend who attended the blessing. During the ceremony, each woman lit a candle, set it in the tray, and shared a prayer, story, poem, or gift from the heart about pregnancy. It was truly a wonderful time, and if you've never heard of this ministry, feel free to check it out.

Well, the tray made a perfect and fitting backdrop for this year's little Nativity. When labor starts, I'll light the candles again and remember the prayers.

I forget which friend gave me the "Pax Et Bonum" tile (one of my Franciscan friends, I believe) but it's become a welcome holiday background, along with some pretty Christmas cards, books (Trianon, by Elena Maria Vidal), and two elves with candles on a striped box. (Someday I shall hunt down the angels holding candles who really go with the set, maybe next year!)

And since I myself was born on the eve of the Feast of the Ephiphany, I have a special place in my heart for the three kings, who are journeying here towards Bethlehem atop a cinnamon bark box from my mother. The vintage cover of one of my favorite C.S. Lewis books, The Pilgrim's Regress, ripped, so I added it to the display. You can't see the postcard of Galahad seeing the Holy Grail (our Christmas theme this year was "Knights") and the memory book from the shower that Doran made me, but they're also there, adding to the festivity.

Ah, I am rambling. But indulge me as I enjoy these Christmas days and sit back, waiting for my Christmas baby to come.

Peace and good,


JMJ said…
God Bless you and your family Regina!
My daughter Julia Noel was born on Christmas Eve 1998. The nurses surprised me and brought her to me in a stocking! She was my BEST stocking stuffer ever:)
Looking forward to hearing baby news!:)
P.S. Thanks for all the great posts in this last post.
Ben Hatke said…
hooray! Welcome to the overdue club!!!!

Maybe our babies will have the same birthday!

Colleen said…
I follow your blog and I've been waiting for baby news!

I send "laboring thoughts and prayers" to you. I know what it's like, as I have gone over my due date four out of five times! :-)
Rose said…
My mother in law was also born on the eve of the feast of Epiphany. :)

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