Regina is in the hospital

Regina was brought to the emergency room early this morning for an emergency appendectomy. She had surgery today and it went well. She will be in the hospital for a couple days to recover, but she asked me to bring her laptop so she could continue working on her stories so she must be feeling pretty well. :-) Thank you all for your prayers!-- Regina's husband, Andrew


Praying for her. Glad to hear she's feeling well enough to write.
Sending all our warmest wishes for a quick recovery! We'll be keeping yall in our prayers!
Judy said…
Hope you continue your wonderful recovery. You will be in my prayers. Look forward to you blogging again. Bless you both

Tracy said…
I will keep her speedy recovery in my prayers and prayers for all your family while she is healing. God Bless.
Nissa said…
We're praying for you here at the Gadbois house, Regina!
Jen said…
Praying for a speedy recovery!
Kristyn Hall said…
Praying for you, Regina, and little Polly too... she must really miss her mama. You're all in our prayers.
Julie said…
Praying for a quick recovery!
JMJ said…
Hope your recovery is going well Regina!
God Bless +++
Janet said…
Prayers always, Regina. Here's hoping your hospital stay actually turns out to be a couple of days of needed rest (you know, like a vacation)!


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