Thank You
Thank you to all of you who prayed for me during my sudden bout with a ruptured appendix: I am very grateful. I know the prayers helped. Having been relatively healthy my entire life long, this is the first time I was admitted to the hospital since I was born. And although the doctors and nurses were very good to me and did their best to make me comfortable, I couldn't help feeling as though I were shut up in a gloomy tower, unable to escape due to "bad numbers" (ie: heart rate, temperature, and so on). But on Monday morning, just as I despaired of ever leaving, my numbers took a turn for the better, and I was set free, and my prince came to take me home. :) I have been so happy to be reunited with a tired husband and children that I have just spent the past few days watching my children squabble and thinking, "I am just so happy to see them!" It is probably a consequence of my condition and the pain medication that I haven't felt like doing much more. But I hope to get back to posting soon. In the meantime, I continue to embrace my weakness.
I hope you enjoy this picture from my "Snow White Friend's" house. And again, thank you for your prayers.