Victoria for a new generation

I finally happened upon an issue of the revived Victoria magazine, and was delighted. After perusing a copy, I realized that here at last was a woman's magazine I could share with my growing girls. Not only because it was "safe" but because Victoria, as the magazine was originally conceived, gives girls a vision of womanhood worth aspiring to, in an age when so much that is truly feminine is denigrated and mocked.
I remember sadly cancelling my subscription some years ago as the models in its pages began showing clothes that were more exploitational than gracious, and the articles seemed to be chasing after the emptiness of radical feminism and sexual liberation. It is with joy that I have rediscovered the magazine that delighted me as a teenager. I wrote immediately for a subscription, together with a letter expressing my sincere hope that the new staff of Victoria will continue to dedicate themselves to the original vision of beauty and womanhood that enlivened this delicately and mischieviously counter-cultural journal.


Hummingbirder said…
I used to subscribe to this magazine years ago. I've missed it and I'm happy to hear it's back! I still have some past issues that I've saved and some that we use for cut outs.
Trina said…
I subscribed to Victoria 15 years ago (I just had to figure that out, yikes was it really that long ago?) and I loved it for the reasons you mentioned. I am so happy to hear that it is back in publication. Definitely going to look into that one for my girls too! Thank you!

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