If you've ever wondered how a big family gets all their socks mated, please check out this new site by the frolicsome and fun Parente family. Liz and Doug and their gang o'kids are friends of ours, and they've decided to share their experience and garner ideas on how large families can save money and time. I read their "50 + ways to save money" and learned some things! Feel free to check out
How do you mate socks?Updated: Our local paper, the Northern Virginia Daily did an interview with the Parentes including wonderful family pictures. I love their laundry room!
Click here to read the article. Photo courtesy of WhitKnits, a cool knitting blog I discovered while looking for sock photos.
I try to group by length/thickness... but color who cares... I wear my husband's socks all the time because I don't really care for them, but have to wear them in the winter...
I throw them in a basket and then let necessity sort them out ;).