Thank you for your prayers!

The baby llama has pulled through okay, and is happily skipping around the pasture with her mama and enjoying chasing the sheep!  We never did get her to accept any sort of supplement, but she managed to nurse anyhow. I suspect the culprit might have been the heat: she was born on a very hot day, and since then the weather has been considerably more mild.  (Being born with a full coat of curly black hair has its disadvantages in Virginia!)  But I also believe in the power of prayer, and I am certain that the prayers and good wishes sent its way helpled exceedingly! Thank you!


Anonymous said…
Sometimes we can do more harm by our intervention when unbeknownst to us, nature has it all under control. It's so wonderful when that happens. I'm happy all is well.
So is so beautiful... does she have a name?
Avid said…
So glad-- I did say some prayers for your llama! I'm sure your kids are pleased as punch. :)

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