Remains of the Easter Brunch

Being that I was due to give birth, I delegated all Easter cooking to my oldest daughter -- and my, she rose to the occasion! She created a French Toast Casserole (in the pan in front of the teapot) from a magazine recipe, made even more delicious with homemade blackberry jam, which eliminated much of the cloying sweetness. When I had exclaimed several times over the flavor, she said, "Mom, what you're not tasting is corn syrup."  She served it with whipped cream from our family cow, sausage links, and exquisitely fried potatoes chopped into tiny golden pieces. My son and I had set the table using all our fun spring china -- miniature teacups, peacock-printed dessert dishes, fragile demitasse, and small gold chalices to hold the Easter eggs. A patterned folk tablecloth, painted wooden napkin rings, and cherry blossoms in blue mason jars added to the celebration of color. It was a wonderful breakfast, for a truly wonderful feast day.


The year I got to have easter brunch at your house is still one of my most beautiful memories.

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