
Showing posts from March, 2008

Ideas for Easter Baskets

With all our family emergencies, I haven't been posting much about Lent, but now that Holy Week is suddenly upon us, I thought I'd post about Easter baskets, since many of us will be filling them this week. Since Easter is the most glorious feast of our Church year, I've always wanted to make a big deal about it. And to me, who loves presents, that means real presents in the Easter baskets along with the candy and stuffed bunnies. My parents made a point of always including something religious, but I love tucking useful items and fun toys into my kids' baskets as well. I typically go out scouting at the local flea markets and other stores for basket-sized fare. Some treasures I've had fun putting in our family baskets include: From the flea market or secondhand store: Silver baby spoons and silverware, especially for babies who can't eat sugar but who love putting things in their mouths Beatrix Potter and Classic Pooh books Paintboxes for watercolors (as you

Random Moment of Humor: Nesting Boxes

My husband built some nesting boxes on the side of our garage for the chickens to lay eggs in. And now that the air is intoxicated with spring, the chickens have started to use them again. But, as my husband discovered when he went for a walk this afternoon, the hens aren't the only ones taking advantage of these comfortable sunny boxes.

Dolls Were A Pale Foreshadowing...

... of how much fun it is to have a baby girl. That's what I discovered when I had one of my own. As someone who, as a child, had never liked playing with dolls or dressing up, I was amazed at how much fun it was to buy diminuitive sweaters and make small-scale dresses. Every day it's "the fun chore" to dress up little Polly. And one thing I've found that's more fun that small hats, sweet bonnets and wee sweaters are these faux baby shoe-socks from Trumpette . I put them on the baby's feet over a pair of cotton tights and they never fall off, ever! They are the perfect finishing touch to just about any baby outfit. Especially when worn with those ubiquitous nebulous unisex outfits, these socks cue in everyone that "Yes, this is is a girl!" Check out these socks: they are worth the price. A wonderful baby shower gift for any mother of a new little daughter.

Rose Red's House: Photo art

This photo doesn't do it justice, but I love this framed artwork that my "Rose Red's" husband made. It's a photo of a sunset that he took and then had enlarged and printed on canvas. I love the black-and-red graphic element that goes so well with the rest of their living area.

Thank You

Thank you to all of you who prayed for me during my sudden bout with a ruptured appendix: I am very grateful. I know the prayers helped. Having been relatively healthy my entire life long, this is the first time I was admitted to the hospital since I was born. And although the doctors and nurses were very good to me and did their best to make me comfortable, I couldn't help feeling as though I were shut up in a gloomy tower, unable to escape due to "bad numbers" (ie: heart rate, temperature, and so on). But on Monday morning, just as I despaired of ever leaving, my numbers took a turn for the better, and I was set free, and my prince came to take me home. :) I have been so happy to be reunited with a tired husband and children that I have just spent the past few days watching my children squabble and thinking, "I am just so happy to see them!" It is probably a consequence of my condition and the pain medication that I haven't felt like doing much more. But

Regina returned from the hospital today

Thank you all for your prayers! She's recovering, but doing well. We're glad to have her back. -- Regina's husband