Wanted: Bears for Joshua

If you'd like to contribute, please mail medium or smaller-size brown or beige teddy bears (please no white or pastel or colored! These are "boy" bears :) ), either new or good-as-new (they can definitely be "played with" and "handled" but they probably shouldn't be in such bad condition that a thrift store would refuse to sell them), that we can use to decorate our tree and then pass on to a good cause after the holiday season.
If you have any bears you'd like to pass on to me, you can mail them to me at:
Regina Doman - Bears for Joshua
P. O. Box 949
Front Royal, VA 22630
If you need a street address for UPS, email me at regina@reginadoman.com and I'll send you one.
So if you come across any extra teddies in your housecleaning, toy downsizing, or Christmas sales, feel free to pass them on to me! Thank you!
I have a bear to donate and I found two cute jumpers, hand dyed and Christmas colors for Joan and Polly. Will you be in town this week or maybe I'll see you at church?
I have a cute panda bear that I purchased to donate. It will be sent shortly. I think that is a beautiful thing to do in your son Joshua's name.
Even though you morn his loss; what a wonderful intercessor you have in heaven. A wonderful little boy who sees God's face and is so happy! Until you meet again some day; may you have peace in your heart and a smile for those in need..
May you have a wonderful Advent season and a Blessed Christmas.
Praying your Advent is blessed.