Favorite Things: Basket on my Dresser

I admit it, I'm a jewelry person. I love accessories, especially if they're shiny. Last year I was wearing a lot of homemade necklaces with glass beads, and I decided to heap them like a pile of treasure, in a favorite round basket with makeup and hair accessories and brush. And of course I couldn't resist taking a picture to capture the exhibition. Mom's dresser, as the largest horizontal surface in most bedrooms, too easily becomes the catchall for all sorts of odds and ends, important things saved from the toddler or the cat, important-looking things whose proper destination other family members are unsure of -- my dresser quickly becomes cluttered. The final step in cleaning my room is always cleaning my dresser. My constant battle is to keep it uncluttered and home only to the things I need and things I find beautiful, as William Morris said. This basket was last year's attempt to make the necessary things beautiful. This year, the struggle continues....